I'm a travel photographer & Videographer with over 20 years’ experience in the photo industry. 

For the last ten years I've worked as a Graphic Designer, first for a corporate firm and most recently for Australia’s largest camera retailer, promoting all the latest gear for photographers and videographers across the country. 

In 2020, I bought and converted a camper van in the hopes to travel the country and capture this incredible landscape. 
I've been travelling alone since the first moment I stepped on a plane over 15 years ago and when I made the decision to travel my own country I taught myself how to vlog so I could capture my adventures every step of the way. I post my travel videos to my YouTube channel, Vanlife Shots

Today, I'm navigating Australia's Big Lap. I have my sights set on experiencing all the beauty Australia has to offer, going to all the places most photographers only dream of.
Vanlife Shots

Vanlife Shots
