Norda 003 Balance Concept
When you see a creative director's brief like Gerard Cleal's, sometimes anxiety sets in quickly. How to achieve such a result? Will my submission measure up to my last project? Will I be able to finish it on time? These are questions that emerge in my mind during the first meeting. Once at the studio, I enter a world that is uniquely mine, where I make room for image composition. Knowing that Gerard has 100% confidence in me helps, even though I have a significant mandate on my shoulders. I start placing elements. What we're aiming for is a play of light, a sharp product, texture, and color. So, I set up continuous lights with colored gels to achieve a play of light, a plexiglass with water droplets between the camera and the product to create texture and aid in light reflection, flashes, a silk background with a fan to create another texture. Finally, the product floats in the middle of the studio thanks to fishing lines.

Thanks / Merci 
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Creative Director: Gerard Cleal
Set Designer: Michaël Ho
Photo/Retouche: Julien Payette-Tessier
Norda 003 Balance Concept