Project 1: Type One
2nd Amendment
Our first challenge for project one was to create a poster that is interesting even though it will only have one font size. The whole Type family was usable.
The second challenge was to create a poster with using one type family. Size can be changed to add interest visually. Black, white and greys are able to be used.
Challenge three adds color and texture. For this the goal was an older "wanted" poster. The feedback that I received touched on it being too busy, too many factors competing for attention. 
Color combinations that grabbed my attention and made me feel like I needed to have a sense of urgency.
I wanted to test out how different lines would feel with the red. I found it was too busy and when printed out the different reds were too dark to read. 
In the attempt to brighten the page and bring back some boldness these posters were created. They are busy and hard to read. The flow is not there. I do not like the "BANG" splitting the page. 
I went back to a bright red and a very dark almost black red. I loved the attention getter of these two posters.
Final Poster
Brightened up the poster and brought in yellow. This poster brings back the sense of urgency and potential danger. ​​​​​​​
2nd Amendment

2nd Amendment



Kreative områder