Senior UX/UI Product Designer Consultant
Statement of Work


Don Clark – Reporting directly to Morgan Gantt - Director of Web & e-Commerce Product Management

INTRODUCTION (under the direction of Veronica Goyou) is in need of services to provide clarity on business decisions for the roadmap for the next 6-12 months. By providing them with research, testing results, data and more, I will be able to show the options and the recommended solution for any of the objectives that they may have during this time. Morgan Gannt and myself have previously provided successful results in the past through a similar process.


One of the objectives that Morgan has mentioned is to increase conversion rate while reducing bounce rate of the visitors of the main page ‘’
This will be accomplished by creating the best possible customer funnel for the product/service for our potential customers. The solution will be created by testing, compiling data from testing, researching solutions and testing of solutions to find the best possible results. Results from testing will be shared.
Other objectives could be directly supporting the engineering/DEV team in their weekly sprints via testing, mockups and other support during sprint cycles.


It will be my responsibility to provide any/all documentation, testing, mockups, data, etc. to the engineering/DEV team via the approval/signoff from Morgan and/or Veronica.
If there are changes to the process or media provided needed by Morgan and/or Veronica, that will be communicated and those changes/updates will be made and visible upon the next delivery cycle.


8 weeks from start to finish date
20 hours per week x 8 weeks = 160 hours* Rate of $80hr
*This may be modified due to any scope change, project delays or interruptions. The approver of this SOW will be notified upon delay with a full report/discussion of adjusted timeline/budget. 


Evaluation of Sitemap & Personas & Customer Flows provided by Content Team, 
Identify pain points/problems/ opportunities in the Customer Flow with solutions relative to the personals.
Create a visualization of customer flow attached with user data provided by the analytics team to illustrate drop off and quantifiable opportunities.
Identify a usability plan to test the opportunities from the customer flow visualization including quick wins and longer team strategic testing strategies.
Evaluate the existing testing requests from Marketing to prioritize and establish a roadmap based on new and existing opportunities.
After testing has been conducted data and other supporting documentation will be shared or presented to stakeholders illustrating opportunities and solutions showing current state/data, constructive testing feedback, fixes and testing feedback


Client interviews, research, competitive analysis, etc.

Requirements, personas, user flows/paths, journeys, etc.

Conceptual modeling and ideation, testing, iteration, etc.

Stakeholder review, documentation of feedback, iteration, implementation and planning

As we discussed during our initial meeting, I am flexible to work on an hourly or project basis. This decision can be modified or terminated at any time by Veronica and/or Morgan.

Veronica and/or Morgan will provide adequate remote access to the development/test environments in support of the design, build, and testing, and solutions described herein.

Should any additional services be required or requested beyond those noted above, I will work with Veronica and/or Morgan to mutually agree upon and define such services.

Veronica and/or Morgan will approve the completion of each service/project phase prior or provide feedback so that I may meet their requirements/expectations.


Establishing the existing happy and unhappy paths (with metrics)
Identify the user profiles and target demographics for testing
Establish questions for testing that are not leading the users to conclusions
Test existing customer journey with
Evaluate and compile data from the outcome of the tests
Determine from the findings how to create the best Customer Funnel
Design the UX/UI of the Customer Funnel using interactive design programs based on findings from user study.
Test the interactive customer funnel with users testers and include questions that are not leading the users to conclusions
Evaluate the findings and compare the outcomes of the existing customer journey and the newly designed customer funnel
Determine the impact of the happy and unhappy path metrics based on the newly proposed Customer Funnel
Create a roadmap of implementation of the Customer Funnel with the Project Management Team
Follow the implementation of the Customer Funnel and run A/B Test against the existing Customer Journey
Evaluate the outcome and findings. Determine with the Web Product team the results of the test to confirm next steps of implementation or repeating the User Testing lifecycle

Managing the user testing requirements and documentation for all tests which include: 
Identify Testing Goals
Document approved User Profiles
Create UX/UI Mockups for approval before launching tests
Identifying Metrics 
Identifying the existing Customer Journey
Analyzing Testing Outcomes
Create Roadmap of implementation with Project Manager
Designs of Mock Ups
 Evaluate the outcome of the data to prepare designs
 Create Designs/Mockups
 Socialize the designs with the group before testing begins
 Prepare tests while waiting for design approvals
Managing/Performing UserTests
Conduct end to end user tests
Review and document the results of the each test  
Socializing the results with the team
Managing Metrics
Identifying Metrics before, during and after testing
Identify the projected outcomes of the test
Continue to monitor the metrics of implemented designs (post deployment)
Implementation, QA & Release
Work with Project Manager to coordinate documentation and requirements for development implementation of testing outcomes
Participate in development QA process to make sure that the development meets the requirements

I recognize how important this project is to and Veronica/Morgan. I appreciate the opportunity to be of service to and look forward to working with you on this assignment. If this is consistent with your understanding and acceptable, we can sign the document to solidify the agreement. If you have any questions regarding our proposed support, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for your time and consideration in this project.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Don Clark
don.clark.ux @

Projects/Responsibilities were (but not limited to):
B2B Web 2021 Review and 2022 Plan
B2C Web 2021 Review and 2022 Plan
Virgin Media Web 2021 Review and 2022 Plan
Pricing Models User Testing Scripts
Feedback VM 2.0 - 3.0 Mobile Designs and Prototype
VM 3.0 Research Customer Journey - Figma
U.S. Multi-Pricing UX Test - Figma
B2B IA - ABM/Campaign Growth Marketing Plans 20222
Ecommerce Design - Figma
VM/Plume German Shop Temp and Future
VM/Plume Landing Page
ISP Website Reface Design - Figma
Add guide me CTA to top nav
Test hero header and subhead on HP homepage
HMP board - Agile board
2021 Most Exited Pages, Homepass Exit Pages
Website KPI's & Metrics
Workpass Market Research
Plume Consumer Segmentation + Key Benefits (HP Personas)
New Workpass Shop Flow
Funnel Friction
UserTesting, Roadmap, Requests, Guided & Unguided, Results
CVR Worksheet
Conversion Rate Optimization Task Flows
CRO Audit & Strategy
B2B Visitor/Goal Completions
B2B Visitor/Reverse Goal Path
WiFi Market Analysis
Sitemap, Unhappy/Happy Path mapping, User Flow, Behavior Flow, Goal Funnel, Workbook, Weekly Team Scrum Meetings, Agile Methodologies,
I also worked with the Virgin/Plume German team (remotely) for the rollout of the product.

Software tools:
Figma, UserTesting, AirTable, Google Docs, Google Analytics, Miro, Lucidchart, Atlassian JIRA/Confluence, Invision,

Other vendors that we engaged with:

Main Competition:

Various examples of work related to this project are below:

One of the Figma files - VM 3.0 Mobile Prototype 3/28/2022 - can be accessed here.
Prototype -
Dropbox logo/font files -
Plume - Statement of Work


Plume - Statement of Work
