Profil von Carley Nuzzo

From Pappardelle to Penne - Carley Nuzzo

For this project, we were tasked with creating a Figma website on a topic of our choosing; however, it had to be something somewhat interesting. I originally chose the topic of humans history with horses, but was not intrigued enough. I soon after landed on pasta and its pairings, as I am Italian and pasta is one of my favorite comfort foods. I absolutely love everything pasta!
The style of my website varies without, and has variations of text color, size, and font. I attempted to use colors that related to the warmth that pasta dishes bring to the table. (literally) 
There are many interactive elements within the figma that make it feel complete as a project. 
These interactive hover elements on the first page show the four simple ingredients in pasta itself! Below these elements, I have the steps to making pasta with a hover to show the steps. Find these below. As an extra interactive element, I added a page with youtube tutorials for visual learners or people that may want to see stars they know make homemade pasta. 
Next, I have the timeline of the history of pasta. The opening question adds a level of personalization to the website by asking the user a question. An answer shows up as a pop up to inform the reader of the correct answer. 
The next page is my last and my favorite, which sort of wraps up the most popular pasta's and their pairings. It goes into specifics about pasta types.
This page also includes many pop ups that the user can press on and interact with by clicking on the pasta itself!

From Pappardelle to Penne - Carley Nuzzo

From Pappardelle to Penne - Carley Nuzzo
