Arnold Arndy 的個人檔案

Closeup's Confidence Boost Campaign: Fresh is Forever

The Brief: Create a captivating campaign that fuels Closeup’s top of mind awareness and consideration dialling up freshness

Tension: The anticipation of unpleasant experiences due to not-so-fresh breath inhibits seizing present opportunities

Insight: Closeup's brand ethos of freshness, confidence, and closeness presents a prime opportunity for a captivating campaign

Opportunity: Create a campaign, "Fresh is Forever," emphasizing the confidence and freedom to get closer, resonating with the closeness seekers

Execution & Measurements: Develop creative content showcasing the domino effect of bad breath on future moments, highlighting Closeup as the solution for a fresh ever after, while measuring increased top-of-mind awareness and consideration through engagement metrics and brand sentiment analysis
Closeup's Confidence Boost Campaign: Fresh is Forever


Closeup's Confidence Boost Campaign: Fresh is Forever

