in collaboration with Joshua Tan and Jerome Wong
Plant Pulse is a project that started off from the exploration of ceramics and circuits, using sand-blasting as a method to integrate interactive circuits into existing glazed ceramics with conductive ink. 

Our exploration branched into three avenues: 
What if we could communicate with objects that cannot speak? 
Our fascination led us into the world of plants. 🪴🌿
What if we could give a voice to plants?

How might we enable plants to communicate their needs?

What if YOU can become fluent in the language of your plants, caring for them as you would a demanding baby, nurturing a unique connection?​​​​​​​

This fosters a tangible form of interaction between you and your plant, like shaking hands. By touching the pattern of the pot, it acts as an initiation of conversation, inviting it to voice its needs.

Normally concealed, these circuits integrate into the aesthetics, serving as functional indicators and welcoming touchpoints.
Plant Pulse


Plant Pulse
