There was a young lady named Kat,
Who thought coffee was where it’s at;
She knew how to brew
The finest beverages for you,
So she built a coffee truck
and that was that.
A pinch of picasso, a dollop of Edward Lear, a double shot of Ethiopia Yirggacheffe, and you have Whimsy & Co. 
Very much based on the personality of the purveyor, Whimsy and Co. is a coffee brand with a difference. Coffee that comes to you in a truck called Ernie. 
A series of characters were created who weren’t quite whole without their hit of caffeine. A land of milk and hunny for caffiends who like their coffee experience a little different. 
This was paired with an equally odd tone of voice that uses different forms of poetry to different effect. Haikus, limericks, all sorts. Sometimes they make sense. Sometimes they don’t.  
That’s Whimsy.  
Whimsy & Co.


Whimsy & Co.

There was a young lady named Kat, who thought coffee was where it's at. She knew how to brew the finest beverages for you, So she built a coff Read More
