The Ocean Inside Animated Video Art
Once there was an Ocean and in the Ocean there was a Sea.

In a little town by the Sea in Italy there was a girl and her name was Olga. She loved the Sea but she knew that there was an Ocean, which was even greater then the Sea. She loved walking down the streets of the town looking at the world and playing with it to understand its nature. The game went on happily, until…

She entered a Depression Forest. The Forest was dark and deep and she was scared of the Darkness and did not want to believe that it existed, and so she kept on going further and further into the Darkness, until…

She realized she had become a Monster. A Monster was a creature of the Forest, he belonged to it and was it. She went deeper and deeper into the forest with the eternal light of the lone moon as her guide. She looked for an opening, until…

She fell. She was exhausted from tearing through the Forest and could not walk any more. The more she fought with it, the more the Forest seemed to grow stronger and more complex. She was ready to go crazy as she felt that the Forest took all her power and her freedom. And so she laid down still and felt the Forest grow without any expectation of a change, until…

A deer step of help appeared in front of her. One step grew into many and then the spirit of the proud Deer appeared and invited her to follow him through the forest. The Deer was beautiful so she rose up and went along the path of his steps. She saw clearly with the help of the proud Deer Spirit and with every step she made she transformed more into a human being, until…

The deer disappeared at a bright opening. In the opening she saw a new beautiful and light Meditation Forest, filled with faeries, all playing a game of reflections with her. She saw her reflection in every faery and forgot who she truly was in the faery game. The faery dance haunted her and clouded her clear vision, until…

A spirit-bird was born in her heart in the joy of game . Following the spirit she found a faery circle dancing on the grass and stepped in. The faeries wanted her bird-spirit, as they could only reflect the true beauty and not have it, so they stole the spirit out of her heart. Disheartened, she was blind to her loss, until…
The bird fell down. The superficial beauty of the faery world hurt it and it longed to be where it truly belonged. The bird saved her by its devotion from getting caught up in an endless faery dance. She saw now that her true spirit was powerful and the  circle surrendered to its power. She put the bird into its place and stepped out of the circle with ease.  She looked for a way out of the Forest in darkness. The proud Deer Spirit showed her a dark path and she followed it, until…
She came to the Ocean. Fresh breeze blew through the air and a pier pointed straight into the Ocean. Free like the Ocean, she ran like the Wind down the pier and dove down. She went deeper and deeper down to the Heart of the Ocean, until…

She reached the deepest and darkest Heart of the Ocean. She brought up the Heart of Darkness in her hands and it transformed into a beautiful necklace. She put the necklace on and a Star of Light descended from the Sky to merge with the Heart of Darkness and they melted together in balance. The balance grew bigger and bigger, and she grew smaller and smaller, until…

She was not, but only the Ocean of balance. The Ocean reflected the stars of the Universe until the Ocean was not, but only the Universe. The Universe expanded  into limitlessness until the Universe was not, but only Time, the Time reached into timelessness, until…

The Ocean Inside


The Ocean Inside

Work in progress - the "Ocean Inside" animation, story of my life in a fairy-tale.


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