Single Minded Thought: Ayunoro if for people who don’t have time to cook during the day.
Company Background
Ayunoro is a Mexican made company that will expand to the USA and Canada. They specialize in making sourdough breads and selling their special flour to make the sourdough breads. They have a stong authenticity in spiritiality and welleness. The brand is committed to designing organic products like sourdough bread and different types of flours to make the breads that will make people feel spiritual growth.

Create growth in spiritual life making it easier for people to fast on daily life carring our product around.

Men and woman from 18 years old to 60 year old. The cost of the products will be around $1000 MX to $4000 MX. Spiritual life is very important to them. They like to sacrifice to become stronger minds. No one likes to fast, but this product helps make it easier and is healthier. They are definitely not lazy, they just have to spend a lot of hours out of the house.

Brand Voice
The company wants to invite people to help people fast in an easy and healthy way. Ayunoro voice is honest, peaceful, and determined. Their messaging focuses on creating moments of peace, spiritual, and resilence. They use wize, positive language to appeal to a wide audience and emphasize the importance of fasting and prayer.

Most people like to have a deeper spiritual life but don’t know how and don’t have time to cook sourdough breads.

Single Minded Thought 
Ayunoro is for people who don’t have time to cook their breads during the day.
Unlike Bimbo, Ayunoro puts the main focus on a deeper spiritual fasting. Target to people who want to deepen their spiritual life creating a sense of strength and corporate agreement. It provides the executive team with all the necessary information above.

In every design brief definition, you will read the clear message.
The images below show the progress on the first sketches.

Maria Mendez- CEO 
+521 333 8157262

