Nirmana means the art of visual composition. It is a basic subject that Visual Communication Design students at Telkom University have to learn. It involves creating works of art using elements such as points, lines, planes, colors, and so on. It helps students to develop their creativity, innovation, and aesthetic sense. There are two types of nirmana: two-dimensional and three-dimensional.
October, 2021
Nirmana Garis (Lines)
India ink on 40x40cm white manila paper.
November, 2021
Nirmana Bidang (Shapes)
Make the pattern design in Adobe Illustrator. After creating a pattern, cut the paperboard for the neutral color, black manila paper for the shadow, and white manila paper for the highlight. Mixed on 40x40cm white manila paper.
January, 2022
Nirmana Warna (Colors)
Poster paint on 40x40cm white manila paper.
January, 2022
Nirmana Texture
Use a storage box with manila paper inside and spin marbles that have been painted with poster paint. Use red and blue poster paint to repeat this technique twice. Afterward, the colored manila paper is cut following the design and adhered to another piece of 40x40cm white manila paper.
January, 2022
Nirmana Transformation
Poster paint on 40x40cm white manila paper.
June, 2022
Nirmana Contour
Polyfoam is cut following the design and placed on 40x40cm styrofoam.
© Dipta Alvito
Nirmana 2D & 3D
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Nirmana 2D & 3D

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