Well, we obviously need to start with the right attitude... (I was listening to Amanda Palmer and I was certain that she said this line in one of her songs... And then - I realized she didn't. It was my brain telling me things I wanna hear!)
Most of the times I wouldn't be checking how balanced we are and stuffed but if we have the right attitude (from above)...sure! (A British colleague of mine, Pete, was telling me to pass him a "spirit level". I was like: hm? A great name for a simple object!)  
Well, some weapons will be needed for our fight against fears and monsters! (An inspirational quote from my sister's fb page)
I always wanted one! And voilà - I created it! Lavander scented and 100%bio. 
The level of spirit


The level of spirit

Things I want to hear and things I want to use. AND. things I hear and things I use.
