Scribble Dude 님의 프로필

5 Bars - brand identity

Who is 5 Bars?
5 Bars, a New York-based cellphone company, is on a mission. Their main objective is to play a vital role in creating a greener Earth, ensuring a sustainable future for the generations to come.
The black and white version of the 5 Bars logo maintains an impressive and sleek appearance, standing just as strong as its colored counterpart.
Spot the brand in action out in the real world!
The brand's logo is showcased on the store sign, giving it a neat and polished look.
I've designed a cool video billboard ad to help the brand grab attention. Imagine it in action – a snazzy video showing off what the brand is all about. And about that After Effects thing? No biggie – just a small skill to pick up on the road to success, right?
I've put together a video using Keynote to give you a visual preview of what it could look like. The results are right below this text. Take a look!
To facilitate the company's need for contracts, I've developed a sleek design and crafted a business card – or rather, a help card. Designs are right here.
Now that the company has clients and invoices are being sent out for bill payments, I've crafted a thoughtful invoice design. At the top, you'll find a message promoting the importance of saving the planet, followed by the details of the bill.
This project serves as a valuable addition to my portfolio and comes as a challenge presented by Harris Roberts.

Thank you for taking the time to explore this project. Have a fantastic day! Sending love your way, and remember to stay safe!
Just a heads up, all the mockups used in this project are available for free download and aren't my own creations.
5 Bars - brand identity


5 Bars - brand identity

I took on a challenge from Harris Roberts to create a brand identity for a cellphone carrier company. I focused on making a logo and design that 자세히 보기
