“Cocoons” is a work about transformation, uncertainty, and the fear of change, with the cocoon being the most comprehensive symbol of metamorphosis.
Visually, the installation consists of four oversized cocoons made of unglazed ceramics. They are suspended with harnesses and leather straps, with the space they occupy delimited by a curtain of white tulle.
The moment these works were created was, for me, a moment of transition and uncertainty. Everything changed very abruptly; I found myself in a new environment, surrounded by strangers. The challenge I set for myself was to be more attentive to what was happening around me, and accidentally, during a visit to the botanical garden, I noticed a small box covered by a tulle curtain containing cocoons in various stages of evolution. The question that arose in my mind and on which I based the entire work is, "Does the caterpillar know it will become a butterfly, or is it just building its cocoon? A process that is likely very painful, suffocating, and waiting in the darkness enduring all the transformations that take place in that environment.”
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