Phoebe Chens profil

Moon Festival Gift Box 2023

Moonlit Apartments | Mooncake Gift Box 2023


The inspiration came from a night stroll in Paris. When I looked up and saw a gentle halo in a warm, yellow tone, shimmering throw the window, giving me a picture of a moon residing in there.

This inspired me when setting a theme for the 2023 Moon Festival packaging.

On a beautiful night, the Moon and Star starting playing jazz on the balcony. The residents of the apartment are attracted by the music and gather at the windows to enjoy the performance. A giraffe shares fresh baked mooncakes with his neighbors. Everyone is immersed in the happiness brought by food an music. 


Illustration / Packaging Design/ Photography : Phoebe Chen
Client: TEA IN BED 

Moon Festival Gift Box 2023

Moon Festival Gift Box 2023
