La Abeja Maya

Bee2Be by Epson contest ● Scarf ● Textile Design ● Illustration ● Abeja Melipona

The Melipona beecheii species, a native bee from southeastern Mexico and Central America, is in danger. Yet, in 2021, not everyone was aware of this; there were not enough campaigns illustrating the relevance of an endemic species.  

The silk scarf proposals took inspiration from the recilence and endurance of the melipona bee, a bee venerated by the Mayas. So, each scarf nararates a bit of a story of the species. From the evolutionary and larval process of the melipona bee, from its conception as an egg, the larvae, to the queen. The colony and its social organization, and how the bees will do anything to protect the queen. 

The committee decided which scarf proposal was the winner, meaning being sold on the website, including a mug and a tote bag.

La Abeja Maya
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La Abeja Maya

80cm x 80cm scarf

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