Perfil de BooBoo Tannenbaum

The Garden Zadar Visual Identity

The Garden Zadar was a very popular bar on the Adriatic coast in Croatia, and each summer season it got 
a visual makeover. One season, thanks to Andrej Filetin and Nick Colgan, the makeover was entrusted to me. 
And what a joy it was!

The name of the bar immediately prompted the solution - I wanted an artwork that perpetually grows and modifies, where plants are interlaced with music and love and drinks and joy. And - having a habit of always creating more work than I was hired to do, I developed a system where on every item, printed or digital, 
the artwork was different. The garden changes and grows every second, and I wanted that to be reflected 
in my design.
The Garden Zadar Visual Identity


The Garden Zadar Visual Identity
