Profil von Brandon Garrett

Baskerville Font Poster

This poster was a project to showcase the typeface Baskerville MT Pro. As I was doing some preliminary sketches I divided the poster from corner to corner and liked the angle that it created. I decided to see what I could do with it and pushed the left part up farther so it wasn't divided perfectly in half. I used the angle for the alignment of most of the rest of the poster. I wanted to showcase the different weights, which is why they are shown prominently on the right side of the poster. I also liked the shape of the italic uppercase Q and used it as a design element, complemented with a lowercase a on the other side of the poster. The body text has a little bit of information about the font, which I got from There is also a showcase of the entire alphabet in the regular font weight.
Baskerville Font Poster

Baskerville Font Poster
