branding, packaging

Design brief:
Participate in the PENT Awards in a category of your choice.
These protective earbuds provide crystal-clear sound quality while effectively reducing harmful noise levels, safeguarding your ears from potential damage. 

With the growing concern of hearing loss due to loud noises in a variety of situations, the market is demanding a solution that seamlessly integrates protection without compromising on sound experience. While this market is being developed strongly, it seemed like a challenge to create a fun and cheerful packaging to accompany this product. The focus with this packaging was the following message: "Protect your ears." Once you buy the product, you will be constantly reminded to do so, because it really is that important! 

The result is a simple but colorful packaging with a strong message.
Designed by Sébastien Faës, 2024

Design: Illustrator, Photoshop
Mockups: Photoshop

