Profilo di RijaR inToronto

Innovative Opportunites - Airline Travel

Formative Research — Airline Seat Booking
This project involved initial Persona development and research. The results from those initial user interviews led to the development of an opportunity canvas for potential opportunities for value creation for the business.
After identifying improving seat booking experience by adding imagery at booking I developed a evaluative research plan. I decided to do a within study, using EOU, PU and BIU validated constructs for quantitative data as well as qualitative questions.  
This video shows the results of the initial study (8min 30secs).
I worked on a second iteration of my design (12min 01sec), then adjusted my qualitative questions, changed the validated EOU, PU and BIU to a SUS survey and did a second round of user testing on the design. 
The video shows the redesigned MVP (3min 13sec) (5min 31sec).

1.  Persona Development
2. Research
3. User Journey
4. Opportunity Canvas for Value Creation
5. Evaluative Research Plan
6. Prototype, User Testing and Qualitiative and Quantitative Research
7. Iterations of designs and research. 

UX Air Canada Prototype: 
Innovative Opportunites - Airline Travel