Kadieja Kasih Amaels profil

Enter The Void - Image Analysis Portofolio

Enter The Void by Kadieja Kasih Amael
“Enter The Void” is an adaptive artwork submitted for an academic exhibition held by Kriya ITB regarding to studies of “Image Analysis”, held on May 2023, in URBANE Bandung.
“Image Analysis” is a study that covers the usage of the five human senses into adapting a prolonged design concept. As the creative process starts from a simple use of keywords, it is further developed into conceptualizing disciplines of graphic design, brand mock-ups, and also an installation that responds to the chosen keyword. Exhibiting an art installation titled “Enter the Void”, STARIUM gave an opportunity to build an interactive art display, while incorporating the 5 human senses to create an installation of a visualized cyber space.  “Enter the Void” offers an experience to visitors as a reminder of the overly attached relationship we have with digital platforms, but having consciousness through navigating it, as the cyber space offers a yielding environment for artists and creators. STARIUM has successfully offered insights to its audiences on how capacious craft design could extend to, acknowledging its wide spectrum and breaking conventional standards of craft design to alluring heights.
The Cyberspace Conceptualization : Visualizing the Digital Frontier.
The moodboard and keywords applied for "Enter The Void" serves as a grip and visual stronghold for me to construct a cohesive concept. The elements and colours that supports the requiring moodboard are also strong guidelines, as it helps identify which specific look I would like to build and visualize.


The patterns showcased below are a direct outcome of the moodboard, representing progressive works and visual depictions of my envisioned cyberspace aesthetic. This practice serves as an indicator of students' proficiency in moodboard development, highlighting their ability to translate conceptual ideas into tangible visual representations.

The initial moodboard serves as the foundation for transforming the envisioned concept into a multisensory experience-based installation. Leveraging the five senses of humans, this interactive installation brings the digital realm to life, merging visuals with tactile auditory and textural elements. A mockup is meticulously crafted beforehand, providing a roadmap for the installation's development. This immersive work encompasses showreels, portfolios, and meticulously constructed artworks, culminating in an engaging fusion of light-works and compelling vibrance.

Installation for Enter The Void

Enter The Void - Image Analysis Portofolio


Enter The Void - Image Analysis Portofolio
