Профиль Mia Andresen

2640QCA Product Archetypes - Assessment 3 Portfolio

In this course, I delve into the foundational aspects of 3D product design, uncovering its history, principles, technologies, and processes. Through this exploration, I aimed to grasp the essence of conceptualizing and bringing product design ideas into the realm of reality. By employing concept visualization techniques, adopting flexible prototyping methods, and engaging in reflective practices, I developed design concepts tailored for distinct users, communities, cultures, or contexts.
As a product designer, I find that developing fast, iterative functional prototypes are incredibly valuable for testing and evaluating concepts. Materials like cardboard provide a quick and inexpensive way to explore ideas on a larger scale, complementing prototypes from 3D printers. Sketch models of varying resolution allow me to delve into form, function, user interfaces, ergonomics, and validate user scenarios.
I often faced challenges in responding to a set of design parameters and prompts, as well as integrating brand elements while moving between sketching and making. My objective was to accelerate my 3D enquiry-based approach, encouraging diverse, both conventional and unconventional concepts in the process of iteration.
After successfully completing this course, I acquired to demonstrate engaged directed research and divergent thinking to inform my design development. I showcased my design practice through sketch work, iterative prototyping, user scenarios, and photo documentation. My design work met the objectives of the brief, reflect the design intent, and identify emerging design values. I ensured that my design outcomes are informed by analysing and applying product design attributes from historical or contemporary contexts. Additionally, I engaged in reflective practice and seek peer-assisted feedback within design as a process of continuous learning.
2640QCA Product Archetypes - Assessment 3 Portfolio

2640QCA Product Archetypes - Assessment 3 Portfolio



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