Recording "madufu" kiswahili name for hand drums, the samples were later used to score the film. (EONII 2023)
It was a journey of trial and error, recording and then sound designing organic sounds in line with the director's vision to make them sound more sci-fi. The "aha" moment came a year later when the film was taking shape. After previewing a few near-completed scenes, I gained a clear idea of the direction of the score. Thus, I went through the samples that were recorded in the clip above (hint: pay attention to the first drum loop played by "Hamisi" - it's the drop to the Club scene Jungle Beat linked below). I then immediately started sampling. The score was created in Studio One using Kontakt orchestral libraries, VST analog synths, and recorded samples.

Listen to some of the music I composed for EONII. Enjoy! full playlist below. Warning! the captions may spoil a few things from the film.
Nice bell sound huh? I found the crystal / bell sound in a VST called Vital. It sounded like crystals forming which I felt I could use as the sound of "EONII" . I carry it on in other tracks below.
The purpose of this piece is to take you through the process of forming the crystal, creating EONII, the more sustainable energy source.
Jacob character introduction.
The director requested a heavy thumping jungle electronic beat, inspired by scenes like the Cavee in Matrix Reloaded and the Max Payne Club Scene, with the added bonus of recording live hand drums for authenticity.
Mixing together sounds of the Maasai warriors during "adumu," a traditional dance known for its impressive displays of athleticism and cultural significance, the choice of percussion and rhythm patterns were inspired by Lorne Balfe's Mission Impossible action scenes.
The Rebels are here!
Mizimu means Spirits in Kiswahili. Ultimately, the decision to make the music dark, unsettling was so it can effectively underscore the danger posed by the spirits. In some African cultures, darkness is associated with the spirit world or the afterlife. Using dark instrumentation or unsettling melodies helped me tie into the film's exploration of these themes and add a layer of authenticity.
By incorporating female vocals with violins, I was able to create a powerful and evocative soundscape that effectively conveys the depth of a mother's pain. particularly when family is in danger. "Uchungu" means pain.
EONII The Score
A Bonus Track. I made this as background music for a night club scene in the Film. I thought id have fun and mix two genres EDM and AmaPiano hence the name EdmPiano. Enjoy!




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