Profiel van Thomas Ryder

Midnight Girl: Transport

These vehicles were made for Midnight Girl, a casual adventure game that takes place in France in 1965. The game features a number of vehicles from that time period, which I have drawn in Adobe Illustrator. 

How I Draw a Car
I usually start by tracing the raw 2D profile shape from a photo or a blueprint. 

Once the tracing is done, I add the base colors to the image.

I then make a copy of the image and place it behind the original image.

We can now get a good idea on how the car will end up looking. However, the front still needs a little work to complete the illusion.

Once the front is details are added, I finish up the drawing by adding a little grime to the doors. 

Midnight Girl is available on PC and Mac. You can play it on Steam.

Midnight Girl: Transport


Midnight Girl: Transport
