Null: The Intermediary
This was a submission for Buildner's 'Museum of Emotions' competition. The goal was to create a space with two distinct galleries; one expressing positive feeling and the other negative. It was a silent competition, so there would be no texts and all expressions would be through visuals.
/ˈzɪə.rəʊ/ The notion that an object or entity exists in a space even when it is not physically there. People tend to see a space and imagine a scenario that could exist in that space. This very concept has been used to design the building.
Four distinct entrances, whose exits are slightly orientated further from the entry to create a distinct route, all lead towards a centre of the structure. Through a dark and broody corridor, and towards a bright and inspired courtyard. Here, there is a frosted glass structure at the center of the space to intice curiosity within the user. 
Some of the renders of the interior space with plans. Showing a dark gallery and the opposing open galley.

Thank you.

Null: The Intermediary


Null: The Intermediary
