1st year college assignment - brief to corporate a social cause with some fashion brand

I created a campaign that combines a social cause like body positivity with a renowned fashion brand such as Sabyasachi is a powerful and inclusive initiative. The incorporation of diverse body sizes in Indo-Western styles helps break traditional beauty norms and promotes inclusivity. The magazine mock-ups for your campaign could feature striking visuals showcasing models of various sizes confidently flaunting Sabyasachi's Indo-Western designs. Captivating images could be complemented by empowering taglines such as "Every Body Deserves to Feel Beautiful" or "Fashion for Every Body." This campaign not only promotes body positivity but also aligns with the evolving fashion landscape, embracing diversity and celebrating individual beauty in every form.
--styled, concept, and photographed by me

The content of the shoot, including but not limited to images, videos, and associated materials, is created solely for academic and educational purposes. It is not intended for commercial use or distribution. The brand mentioned in the content is involved solely for the purpose of sourcing materials and does not endorse or have any association with the creative outcome
College assignment


College assignment


Sectores creativos