Henkilön Kyaw Min Htet profiili

"When Monarchs Die, Do They Really Go to Heaven?"

"When Monarchs Die, Do They Really Go to Heaven?"  

Immersed in the rich narratives of Buddhism lore during my upbringing, the story of Maha Lata, a lavish garment adorned with gold, silver, and precious stones, captivated me. According to Buddhist lore, only Visakha, the eminent female patron of Gautama Buddha, possessed the strength to don such regal attire.

A visit to the national museum led me to a dedicated hall room showcasing remnants from the Burmese last dynasty, Kon Baung. Here, I encountered state attire worn by the last king of Burma, Thi Baw, and queen consort Su Phaya Latt, named Duyin Taw and Mahalatta, respectively. The dimly lit museum hall transformed the experience into an ominous reminder of the king's tragic life.

This project is a visceral response to the convergence of mystical garments from Buddhist lore with the tangible relics of the last monarchy. It explores the impermanent nature of kingship and the monarchs' intrinsic desire to associate with divinity as a demonstration of power. The deliberate juxtaposition of a simple workwear jacket as the base within the context of royal garments became the project's starting point.

Carefully selected metal washers, with a polished finish resembling silverware with patina, which mimic the silver sequins observed on the state robes are attached to the jacket using safety pins instead of employing conventional thread and needle to allow the metal washers to reconfigure on a new garment in case of damage on the jacket, integrating the concept of the impermanent nature of monarchs directly into the technique of producing the artwork.

As more metal washers accumulate on the jacket, it transforms into an embodiment of weight, reflecting both the physical and metaphorical burdens associated with monarchy. Strategically placed metal sequins create the impression of the skin of a mythical creature with scales, reminiscent of Nagar, implying a connection to the divine and mystical realms.

"When Monarchs Die, Do They Really Go to Heaven?" serves as a contemplation on mortality and the transient nature of power.

"When Monarchs Die, Do They Really Go to Heaven?"

"When Monarchs Die, Do They Really Go to Heaven?"
