Title : The Absolute Being (2024)
Media : Fiberglass, Brass, Gold Melted Glue
Size : 150 x 171 x 150 cm. 

The sculpture serves as a replica of the artist's identity, molded from his own body, including the face and hands. The melted gold symbolizes the refined personal brand the artist has crafted for himself, aiming for greater love, power, success, beauty, and ultimately, to embody the absolute being, as perceived by the public. This reinvented persona stems from a blend of beliefs, myths, narratives, advertisements, and products within the social construct. The branding is designed not just for public perception but also to address the artist's inner conflicts. Positioned on the eye, the sculpture embodies the artist's belief in his evolved, stronger self, with his hands applauding and congratulating in self-praise.
The Absolute Being
公開日 :

The Absolute Being

公開日 :
