Branding Strategy
This project was completed as the second and final project for the (GDE2103) Brand Communication subject. The aim of this project was to plan and design a branding campaign for Galine. The outcome should include one brand identity, one item from Above the Line (ATL), one item from Below the Line (BTL) and one item from Through the Line (TTL).

Here is a short summary of the branding campaign I have planned for Galine:
Galine is a new organic body wash brand, all set to be introduced to the market. The branding campaign centres on introducing the brand to the public. The brand's primary objective is to capture the public's attention and gain loyal customers to ensure its long-term success. Some efforts include the introduction of the brand's products that are available while showcasing their unique points. This would include a brand t-shirt for staff members to wear, packaging design, social media advertising, a magazine booklet about the brand and a store design.

Here is the outcome of the brand identity design, which includes a t-shirt design with two different t-shirts colours and two packaging design for the body wash and the body lotion. 

Above the Line (ATL) - Magazine
The aim of this magazine is introduce the brand to the public, showcasing the history, core values, formulation, products and promises of Galine.

Below the Line (BTL) - Social Media Advertising
The aim of this social media advertising is to capture the public's attention of the details of the launch of Galine into the market. The post designs are resized to accommodate the various size dimensions.

Through the Line (TTL) - Store

Branding Strategy

Branding Strategy
