Profil użytkownika „Lim Shi Yun”

A Rejuvenation Project at AMK: A Saga Seed Scape

A Rejuvenation Project at AMK: A Saga Seed Scape (Design and Build)
The Saga Tree is a very common and popular tree amongst the locals in Singapore. The bright red seeds from this tree can be found under the tree, almost all year round. People; young and old would be found under these trees, picking up the bright red seeds. Some keep them as mementos, others use them for crafts.

Being such a relatable icon, we wanted to create a scape which celebrates the sage tree’s uniqueness and beauty. We design the playscape to mimic the organic, swirling motion of the saga fruit pods, which each piece of the main structure having a different silhouette to create the effect. Not forgetting the bright red saga seeds, which serves as an accent against the muted brownish tones of the whole scape.
Organic, swirling motion and form of the saga fruit pods
Overview of 3D-developed Concept
Plan View
3D Development (Impression Views)
A Rejuvenation Project at AMK: A Saga Seed Scape


A Rejuvenation Project at AMK: A Saga Seed Scape
