Introducing Drape into a Font - a captivating journey through the creation of a groundbreaking typeface known as 'Drape'. Delve into the intricate process behind the conception and development of this unique font, as we unravel the creative journey that brought 'Drape' to life. Explore the inspiration behind its design, the challenges encountered, and the innovative solutions that shaped its distinct identity.
The booklet's design is kept simple on purpose. It's all about letting 'Drape' stand out and do its thing. The design doesn't distract, so the font can grab all the attention. Everything in the booklet, from the layout to the colours, is chosen to make sure 'Drape' really pops and captures your interest.​​​​​​​

I really enjoyed the process of making this typeface and the collaterals for it which I have also uploaded separately. I hope you like it, Thank you!
Booklet for 'Drape'


Booklet for 'Drape'
