Profil appartenant à Jessica Hewitt

FREE abstract 3D models (24 shapes!)

FREE Abstract 3D Shapes Pack (24 shapes!)

I made this initially thinking i'd provide some simple shapes for other C4D users to mess with - but then I realized I could just save all these out as individual .OBJs and then anyone could use them, regardless of their program!

The download options include a .zip with the folder container the 24 .obj object files, or a .C4D file, if you use Cinema 4D like I me.  You should be able to open the .objs in any program; blender, houdini, cinema 4d, etc. etc., if that's your preferred method.

DOWNLOAD: You can download this pack off of my Gumroad here!  For whatever reason, behance has a problem with .zip files that have weird objects in them like .obj files.  So that's why I cant attach it as an asset here!

FREE abstract 3D models (24 shapes!)
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FREE abstract 3D models (24 shapes!)

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