gather under the shade
إجــــتــــمــــــــع‭ ‬تــــحـــــت‭ ‬ظــــلـــــهــــــــــا

Campaign Poster
بـــوسـتــــــر‭ ‬حــمــلـــــة

Based on the research and the memories that I had about the Poinciana tree‭, ‬which is have a lot of leafs‭, ‬big‭, ‬cover the sunlight‭ ‬and In my house we always gathered as a family to sit under it‭, ‬I decided to design a campaign to encourage families to plant it‭ ‬in their house for free‭.‬
بناءً‭ ‬على‭ ‬البحث‭ ‬والذكريات‭ ‬التي‭ ‬كنت‭ ‬أملكها‭ ‬حول‭ ‬شجرة‭ ‬الفلامبويانا،‭ ‬التي‭ ‬تحمل‭ ‬الكثير‭ ‬من‭ ‬الأوراق‭ ‬وكبيرة‭ ‬وتغطي‭ ‬أشعة‭ ‬الشمس،‭ ‬وفي‭ ‬بيتنا‭ ‬كنا‭ ‬دائمًا‭ ‬نجتمع‭ ‬كعائلة‭ ‬للجلوس‭ ‬تحتها،‭ ‬قررت‭ ‬تصميم‭ ‬حملة‭ ‬لتشجيع‭ ‬العائلات‭ ‬على‭ ‬زراعتها‭ ‬في‭ ‬منازلهم‭ ‬مجانًا‭.‬
Gather Under the Shades


Gather Under the Shades


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