This July, I attended a super fun and intense 10-day woodcut bootcamp, hosted by the wonderful woodcut master Tom Huck in his Evil Prints Studio in St.Louis, MO. We each assigned a piece of wood that's 24 by 32 inches. The image I drew was inspired by the little boat ride my parents and I took in old-town Dubai. Here's the final result :)
Printed~ the right side of the image
sad donkey seeing his friend departed on the boat .
sad donkey looking at his friend on the shore~
close-up of the ladder on the lamp-building :)
close-up of the fellow passengers on the boat - the carefree camels ~
1st stage: drawing on wood....thinking about where to carve and which part to be saved....
Done carving ...just inked ~~~
The departure


The departure

a woodcut inspired by my crossing the river in old-town Dubai.
