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Benefits of Evidence-Based Treatments

Evidence-based treatments (EBT) are treatment methods that have been proven successful through studies and extensive research. The American Psychological Association (APA) Council of Representatives (2005) broadly describes EBT as a blend of the best and latest available research with a care provider’s clinical expertise to match the particular patient’s needs or preferences based on their unique characteristics and culture.

Several organizations, including the APA, approve of evidence-based therapies, considering them sound treatment approaches in dealing with mental health problems. These treatments aim to promote the application of safe and effective treatments that promise better results than those that are not solidly supported by research, some of which may potentially be unsafe.

A mental health care provider using evidence–based treatment considers several things to determine what therapeutic technique to utilize. The mental health provider will first look at what documented research material says regarding the problem and how useful it might be. They will also consider the patient’s culture, values, and preferences. Last, but equally important, the therapist will leverage their training and judgment to analyze and make necessary interventions. These three factors (also referred to as the three-legged stool) are crucial for the best therapeutic outcomes.

Evidence-based treatments include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), interpersonal therapy, behavioral activation, and dialectical behavioral therapy. Many consider CBT the standard in mental health care. The credit is based on numerous studies proving its effectiveness in dealing with a range of conditions. For example, it can help one change errant, negative thinking patterns, reverse self-defeating behaviors, and respond to challenges more effectively.

Evidence-based treatments promise a number of benefits. They are not only safe, but also ethical. Their reliance on evidence gives the psychologist a framework for care, fully backed by research. This mitigates the chances of using biased judgments inspired by the health provider’s subjective opinion.

Individuals in evidence-based psychotherapy have been found to register faster results. The treatment effectively pushes back symptoms and enhances the patient’s quality of life. It puts a high premium on measurable results, with most individuals reporting symptom relief in about twelve sessions.

These treatments are cost-effective because they deliver results within relatively short time frames. Besides medical cost reduction, individuals in evidence-based psychotherapy treatment have shown enhanced productivity and greater life satisfaction.

Evidence-based psychotherapy has a broad spectrum of applications, as it has been proven to treat numerous mental health disorders. For example, individuals struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, substance use, and many other conditions can find assistance through EBT. Rehabilitation centers, institutions of learning, clinics, hospitals, counseling centers, and others can benefit patients by relying on EBT.

With these treatments, care is customized to an individual’s specific needs. Evidence-based treatments are versatile, giving the psychotherapist leeway to customize treatment according to the patient’s values, goals, needs, and preferences. Furthermore, it presents a collaborative and interactive environment where the patient exercises freedom of expression. Ultimately, the healthcare provider and patient reap mutual benefits.

Continuous learning is another major advantage of evidence-based treatments. The patient and mental health provider benefit from the latest or current data as long as researchers are active. Over time, patients can become independent by reading about new treatments and improving on their own, while providers expand their knowledge base and get better at treating patients. EBT inspires or encourages reflection for the psychotherapist and patient as new findings emerge and impact people facing various challenges.
Benefits of Evidence-Based Treatments

Benefits of Evidence-Based Treatments
