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Chow Tai Fook | The Blissful Year of Tiger

Chow Tai Fook | The Blissful Year of Tiger 
For Chow Tai Fook Jewellery’s ‘the year of tiger’ pure gold jewel collection, SEESAW has designed a series of promotional animated videos and photographs. 
Leap to prosperity with a roar! The auspicious zodiac animal is fiery and shrewd. When it strides forward and leaps upwards, its charisma and vitality are apparent to anyone. Tigers are also steady as a rock, and elegant in themselves. With the imagery of copper Chinese coins within the design, the elegance of the gold tiger is even manifest.

Chow Tai Fook | The Blissful Year of Tiger


Chow Tai Fook | The Blissful Year of Tiger

Animated Ad
