Profilo di Denise Briez

Colorize Black & White Image

Colorize Black and White image

Image used was created/captured by me, Denise Briez.

Find and follow tutorials that demonstrate how to Colorize Image in Adobe Photoshop.
Acquire copyright free image needed to execute the tutorial. 
Create a "new" composition by applying techniques learned in the tutorial. 
Final items to be submitted:
A) "Before" of the main image used should be 5x7, 7x5 or 5x5 | RGB | JPG lastname_before.jpg
B) "After" images of the tutorial steps applied, should be 5x7, 7x5 or 5x5 | RGB | JPG lastname_after.jpg 
copyright statement for all images
Screen shot of layers (not flattened)
Colorize Black & White Image

Colorize Black & White Image
