Yavi Diamantas profil

Mobil Jajan - OLX Autos

When you choose the wrong place to selling or buying a used car, there must be some homework to fix the car. So people are looking for assurance when selling or buying a used car.​​​​​​​
Assured selection, assured price, or assured guarantee, so OLX AUTOS provides all that assurance with its various UVPs.
Creative Business Director - Ferly Novriadi
Creative Lead - Galih Dion
Art Director - Yavi Diamanta
Copywriter - Sarah Hesti
Graphic Designer - Yandri Nur Islandi
Account - Reyhan V, Szyszy M
Strategy Team - Yaseinya Mira
Agency Production - Artha Astaria
Project Manager - Putri Sitanggang
Mobil Jajan - OLX Autos

Mobil Jajan - OLX Autos
