In this artistic collection, I present to you a visual journey behind the camera lens to capture the beauty of a unique commemorative shield design, executed by Mishq. The pieces are distinguished by the employment of different materials in the work to produce a different and unique piece of art - the warm wood, the transparent acrylic that captures light, and the black acrylic that adds an astonishing depth and contrast.

In this work, four pieces from this art have been captured in a luxurious style that befits it. I relied on a single flash to highlight the minute details and unique texture of each material, with the pieces being positioned at different angles.

The images were assembled using Adobe Photoshop, where they underwent a careful and meticulous processing. From purifying the wood and adjusting the colors to display it at its best, to adjusting the lighting to accentuate the design elegantly, and finally, the lighting gradients that give the transparent and black acrylic a final touch that attracts attention.

thanks for watching

For more works, visit the Mishq website

SPE trophies


SPE trophies
