Jim Mathers's profile

Product Selection Tools

Product Selection Tools

Product Selection Tools
Interactive PDF's

More About the Project

Customers often find navigating our diverse product range a challenge, struggling to identify the right systems and options for their needs. The intricate details and vast array of choices within our illustrated price list could overwhelm them, hindering the selection process. This complexity presented a significant hurdle, impacting customer satisfaction and potentially leading to missed opportunities.

I envisioned a suite of interactive documents designed to empower our customers. These digital companions would transform the product selection process from a cumbersome task into a seamless journey. Instead of sifting through dense information, users could make well-informed decisions with just a few clicks.

Creative Process
Simplifying the process was paramount. I focused on intuitive design principles, ensuring clarity and ease of use for users of all technical backgrounds. By making the tools readily available on computers and mobile devices, we aimed to remove barriers and reach customers wherever they needed us.

Our interactive tools revolutionized the product selection process. Customers can now swiftly navigate through options, filtering and comparing features to find the perfect fit. The tools have demonstrably increased customer satisfaction and contributed to improved conversion rates.

Photoshop  |  Illustrator  |  InDesign  |  Acrobat  |  Books


Please click here to  download the interactive PDF's and try them for yourself.


Portfolio of work
If you enjoyed this piece of work, click here to download and view my Interactive Portfolio of Work?


Thank YOU!

Product Selection Tools