Erica Shapiro's profile

OY VEY KLUTZ STRIPS - Product Design Evolution

bandaid and package design
It takes hundreds of designs to turn an idea into a product.
Here is the evolution of a  simple product design that I worked on. 
Final Tin Design
Real Product
Final Display Case Design
Real Display Box
Display box proof 1
Before a final design is ready, the artist and product creator go back and forth through many design sketches.
Here is the evolution of how an idea became the product that you see above.

Keep in mind that a lot of discussion and ideas came between these phases. You are only viewing the end reusults of these discussions. 
Step 1 - Idea
Step 2 - Initial Product Design
Step 3 - Expansion on Product Design
Step 4 - Adding Color
Step 5 - Adding detail to packaging
Step 6 - More details
Step 7 - Final Changes

Go Back to top to view final results

Thanks for viewing my portfolio. 
Erica Shapiro
OY VEY KLUTZ STRIPS - Product Design Evolution


OY VEY KLUTZ STRIPS - Product Design Evolution

It takes hundreds of designs to turn an idea into a product. Here is the evolution of a simple product design that I worked on.
