If I'm being completely honest I don't find myself really inspired by certain designers in the industry, however despite that I do come to appreciate and look forward to their works. This only applies Game Design, one of the many examples of the people or even companies that they are apart of. Tetsuya Nomura, director of Square Enix he also is charge for the characters designs of the game Final Fantasy VII. His drawings of various characters he has worked on in the past, have always made me think that he hasn't made one bad design. As for my aspirations I'm not really sure I have any at the moment. Although some may see this as a bad thing due to having no driving motivation to help me find what I truly what to go and focus. I understand how others can see it this but unlike previous years I will be more focused on schoolwork as a whole and try to not procrastinate and delay work from being done. 

Hopefully throughout the duration of my Design degree I will be able to discover what I like about the different pathways of design and continue to study or find a job in the field of design. I hope that I will be able to easily absorb the information provided in the degree and also find or develop my own style of sketching that doesn't seem similar to anyone else's.

This was the final product I made in my last year of College, we had to come up with a product we could use in everyday life. To which I came to the conclusion that I wanted to try and make a dish rack using wooden materials. 

The process of researching the type of materials and designers to make the final design of the product was more or less quite straightforward, however once I got to the process of making prototypes and the final product that is when the challenge rose. Using dowel joints to make assemble the bottom and the back was much more difficult that it needed to be. Other problems were also encountered as seen on the upper shelf as it is not all leveled and uneven. Due to the router breaking the front piece of wood although by using varnish it sort of helped make the product look more clean and cover up the minor damages. Another thing is that majority of the joinery used in my product are dowels, which is pretty basic but I hope I use a wider variety of joinery to be able to produce something much more impressive.
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