Profil von Laurie JURDIC

Green Thread - Repairing second-hand

Green Thread est une marque fictive de vĂȘtements axĂ©e sur la durabilitĂ© et la rĂ©paration de vĂȘtements de seconde main. Ses tons verts doux Ă©voquent la nature et l'engagement environnemental. Sa mascotte, une pelote de fil, symbolise l'artisanat et le travail minutieux. C'est une invitation Ă  repenser la mode avec conscience et crĂ©ativitĂ©.

Green Thread is a fictional clothing brand specializing in repairing second-hand garments with quality French thread. Its soft green tones reflect its commitment to nature and sustainability. The mascot, a ball of yarn, symbolizes craftsmanship and meticulous work. It's an invitation to rethink fashion with consciousness and creativity.
Green Thread - Repairing second-hand

Green Thread - Repairing second-hand
