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ART 235 | Project 2 | Conceptual Book Covers

BYUI ART 235 | Graphic Design 
Project 2 : Conceptual Book Covers
Pamela McPherson
Project Description

Design three 6"x9" book covers for a classic novel that effectively communicate the author’s core message. Design 3 different covers for the same book, a typographical cover, a handmade cover, and a cover that will be the designer's choice. Use a variety of approaches and materials. Be sure to include the full title and author's name. 
Cover 01—Type Only: Use typography to create this book cover concept in a clever and conceptual way to visualize the book's message. 
Cover 02— Handmade/Physical Materials: Construct this cover from physical materials. These physical materials can be created, assembled, collaged, or photographed—the final piece must be handmade.
Cover 03— Designer’s Choice: This cover can be developed in any style or format you choose.
The Grapes Of Wrath - John Steinbeck
Book Summary: 
The Joad family are victims of the dust bowl. Forced to leave the Oklahoma land they had worked for generations. The family takes what little money they can put together and sets off for California. A land where jobs are plentiful, or so they are led to believe, and where they hope to work and buy a nice little home surrounded by orange trees.
Tom Joad, returns home from prison, just in time to join the family for the western trek. Tom has been paroled after serving four years of a seven year prison sentence for manslaughter. He was released early for good behavior.
The Joads are one family, among thousands, who are beckoned to Golden California by handbills inviting them to take advantage of the plentiful jobs, only to discover there are too many people and too few jobs to go around. 
The epic road journey introduces the family to new friends and new experiences. There are hardships, drama, and sadness along the way. Sometimes people help each other and sometimes they don’t, they won’t, or circumstances make it so they can’t.
A stirring commentary about human nature and human dignity. 
Handmade Cover, Typographic Cover, and Designer's Choice
Typography Cover
Typographic Cover
Scruffy Jeans Cover- The "Fambly" is a patch work of family and friends. They are hungry and tired and dirty. They have been lied to and taken advantage of. They feel hopeless and ragged, mentally, physically, and spiritually. These people are about as low as they can be and things do not look good for the future. This cover is meant to reflect that mood.
Handmade Cover
Handmade Cover
Cross Stitch Cover- This hints to a box of Whitman chocolates, something that was out of reach for this family and others like them. The color progression in the title goes from a happy red, which later represents anger; to the purple color of grapes, which is hopeful but turns to deep disappointment; then gray, a color of despair; and finally to black to represent the loss of everything. Life is difficult and it seems like dirt and dust is part of their past problems and part of the current problems they are facing. Handprints on the textile helps focus on the way these people are trying to survive.
Designer's Choice
Designer's Choice Cover
Dusty Boot Prints Cover- Here the torn paper letters point back to the time where things were wrapped in brown paper. Sometimes the paper was used over windows, as insulation in clothing, or to shield someone from the blazing sun. The boot prints and dust loom over the cover and point to the dust bowl that brought the people to California.
Alternative Choices
Alternative Book Cover Choices; Handmade Alternate Cover, Designer's Choice Alternate Cover, Typographic Alternate Cover
ART 235 | Project 2 | Conceptual Book Covers

ART 235 | Project 2 | Conceptual Book Covers
