Profil von Mauro Santos

SEQUESTRIN - Carbon Farming & Co2 Sequestration

SEQUESTRIN - Carbon Farming 

Sequestrin is a company committed to the preservation and restoration of peatlands and wetlands, nurturing and maintaining these vital ecosystems to ensure biodiversity, support Mother Nature, and promote harmonious coexistence with the environment.

The Sequestrin logotype and symbol were designed with the idea of balance in mind, serving as a subtle homage and representation to the Earth's cycles. While designed to have a more corporate and trustworthy appearance, also incorporates a natural and earthy feel, that when combined with the proposed color palette, it can truly establish a connection to Sequestrin values and mission.

SEQUESTRIN - Carbon Farming & Co2 Sequestration


SEQUESTRIN - Carbon Farming & Co2 Sequestration
