Flávia is very beautiful and observes to have a neat appearance. My first try before knowing anything about smoothing a procreate tracing, before knowing anything at all and along with another friend protrait project, showed in for of frustration, my lack of skill once I first got an iPad. That tracing over took me a month, dude physical and mental health circa 2021. I decided that's for the best let that be just an exercise. In the end I learned a lot to reach this result and by failing I felt shame, but that encouraged me to do better. To work for something that resembles more soul. Not just a collection of traces. 
The second drawing is the result of the practice and did not take more than half hour. To be perfectly candid, the previous practice is the magic that makes ability possible.
The first trial with lots of shadow to try to capture depth, took a long time. Flavia not even know how much I learned to be able to do something kind of decent, at least with my emotions  and lessons on the paper along with her beautiful image. I still think I can do better, always will.  
Another friend that voluntarily said yes to the test of my capturing images was my good friend Thais. She had just given birth and shaved her hair so it could be something less to take care, so she could dedicate herself to her daughter. Now her hair is long again, and her kid so big. And my cypturing skills much better, but still improving.
LOVE IS THE GREATER MOTIVATOR. So in February 2023, when Fatboy Slim, the most iconic English DJ from the 90s to the 2000s, 10s and 20s with frequent lives during the Covid Lockdown times. Back from 2011 or so, there was no streaming directly from the artists, so I would listen when he would be invited for Radio Shows so I could listen to as I was studying German. Early 2015 something very bad happened to my right foot, my ankle got broken, bones got edemas, nerves got Compley Regional Pain Syndrome, issues that are still very real. It broke my body and forced me out of the work force and I had to search what could I do until I die even in the worse pain possible, in the worst conditions what makes my soul shine.And besides my relationships and the people I love to be around, art makes my heart shine so bright it takes over my whole self. 
And that light shun when Fatboy Slim, Mr. Norman Cook came to make a show in Switzerland. And I took my wheelchair and friends and went. Made a piece of fan art and he exposed to the whole club during the show and signed my favorite UGG boot on the right foot.
You can check the full video on my Instagram Paula Pagnoncelli 
Portrait of Flávia

Portrait of Flávia

My first portrait trials of close friends
