Profil Jaime P.ぺれず

Salud Digital Formación - Branding / Visual Identity

Logo design | Brand Identity | Branding
Salud Digital Formación, Madrid, España - 2021

Salud Digital Formación is a leading provider of ongoing education services tailored for the healthcare sector, where digital advancements are increasingly pivotal. Crafting our brand entails thoughtful consideration of both our target audience and our industry partners. By comprehensively understanding the demographics we serve and the evolving landscape we operate in, we gain invaluable insights into our brand's requisites. These encompass:

   - Cultivating a simple yet contemporary brand identity.
   - Crafting a versatile logo design.
   - Ensuring a cohesive visual identity across all platforms and applications.

Location: Madrid, España
Client: Salud Digital S.L.
Project year: 2021
Market Research:
The image displays logos from various collaborating companies in the same sector, each with its own color scheme. This study helps understand which colors are popular among these companies and how they differentiate themselves. Analyzing these colors provides insights into how brands want to be perceived by their audience and how they stand out in the market. This type of analysis is crucial for developing effective marketing strategies.
Since the company collaborates with healthcare institutions rather than competing directly with other businesses, the color choice aims to convey a sense of security and tranquility without seeking to stand out from the rest.
Logo Structure:
Logo Responsive:
Salud Digital Formación - Branding / Visual Identity

Salud Digital Formación - Branding / Visual Identity
