UX/UI Cookies Consent and 404 Error Redesign 
UX/UI illustration is the art of integrating visually captivating illustrations into the realm of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design. By seamlessly incorporating elements like illustrations and graphics into digital products, this practice elevates user interaction and enriches the overall experience. 

To immerse myself in this dynamic field, I undertook the task of crafting a Cookie Consent Form and a captivating 404 Error page. Drawing inspiration from Zumiez, a renowned brand, I delved into their unique aesthetic and ethos. By meticulously analyzing their brand identity, I envisioned and sketched designs for both forms that authentically reflected Zumiez's vibrant personality and visual language.
Above, you'll find a selection of images that served as my sources of inspiration. Some resonated with me for their vibrant neon aesthetics, evoking a sense of energy and excitement. Others appealed to me for their rebellious undertones, adding an edgy twist to the overall vibe. These contrasting elements collectively influenced my creative direction moving forward.​​​​​​​
To kickstart the creative process, I sketched out several thumbnail concepts to explore various directions. Considering future animation potential, I gravitated towards simpler designs that would be more conducive to fluid motion. This thoughtful approach ensured that the chosen avenues aligned seamlessly with my vision for future development.​​​​​​​
The progression leading to the final outcome unfolded as follows: Initially, I experimented with various font styles for the numbers, aiming to find the most suitable match for my theme. While I appreciated the robust appearance of the numbers on the first TV, I found them to be overly elongated rather than compact. Thus, I opted for a different approach, exploring both slender and stocky options. However, neither seemed to quite capture the desired aesthetic. Consequently, I decided to take a step back and let my thoughts simmer while I focused on designing the skateboard. Once I achieved the desired layout for the board, I delved into the realm of color selection. Drawing inspiration from the vibrant hues reminiscent of a roller rink, I settled on a neon color scheme. This choice not only complemented the Zumiez brand but also established a unique visual identity of its own.
Though I don't have as many thumbnails as in the previous design, there's still plenty to discuss about this one. When crafting the reaper character, my vision involved seamlessly integrating him into the animation, with the notion of him intermittently appearing and disappearing from the frame. To achieve this, I meticulously designed the hands on one layer, while separately crafting the face and hood on another. This strategic layering facilitated the transition from Illustrator to Photoshop, enabling me to easily arrange the elements in the correct order without confusion. Instead of employing a traditional frame-by-frame approach in Photoshop, I opted for the video timeline, affording me the opportunity to create smoother transitions and more fluid movement. As I delved deeper into the animation aspect, I introduced additional frames, depicting the reaper's subtle expressions of apprehension as he glanced around before swiftly retreating back into position, creating a moment of suspense within the animation.
What truly captivated me throughout the process of crafting fluid animations wasn't solely the design aspect, but rather the sensation of seamlessly integrating these animations into the website itself. As the design progressed to this stage, everything began to harmonize, culminating in a cohesive and dynamic user experience. Discovering and mastering new tools, such as the timeline feature in Photoshop, was particularly exhilarating. It opened up a realm of possibilities, igniting my enthusiasm to explore and experiment with animated artworks further in future projects. This journey of discovery and creation has been immensely fulfilling, and I'm eager to continue pushing the boundaries of my artistic capabilities.
UX/UI Zumiez Consent Redesign

UX/UI Zumiez Consent Redesign
