ENLIGHTEN Clothing Brand Website
Team: Bryan Delgado and Guillermo Morfin

Duration: Jan.29-Feb.29 2024 (4 weeks)

Purpose: Enlighten Clothing is a clothing brand. The purpose of it was to make clothes that are modern and kept up to date with the fashion of todays era.

User Persona
As we created our user persona, we kept the idea that our target audience would be student's from the age of 16-25 who loved fashion. We also wanted to highlight the weaknesses and strengths in our persona's personality to show who would be more prone to checking our website.  
Website Organization
We figured that our users would be interested in high quality clothing, and since we both decided to come up with the name "Enlighten" we decided to make high quality hoodies and got inspiration from other designs as well.
Design Plan and Color Scheme
We wanted a color scheme that was cool and clean. Therefore, we picked out this color palette since it matches what we wanted!
Website Launch
Finally we launched our final website after many struggles and challenges!
Enlighten Clothing
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Enlighten Clothing

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