Opera/Musical Poster: Jekyll and Hyde
Jekyll and Hyde: the Musical

I started with sketches for a number of concepts for the musical, focusing on the duality of the main character(s). I landed on testing a few of what I believed to be the stronger concepts, my favorite being a theatre mask twisting from the fearful Jekyll into the evil Hyde. 
From there I began playing with the appearance of the masks, trying out different styles of the theatre mask, and simplifying the color of the lines while adding in color to the back. I added in the text information, struggling a bit with how to match the type with the image in a way that was cohesive. I also ended up adding an offset color of the masks behind the line art in Jekyll's blue and Hyde's red.
In the end, I used 3 preexisting type faces for the title, tracing over it by hand to get the level of cleanliness as well as cohesion I was looking for. With a few minor adjustments to the sizing of the title, I arrived at the final result.
Opera/Musical Poster

Opera/Musical Poster
